Wellness Activities

Wellness activities can be important for preventing and managing chronic illnesses, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving cognitive function and productivity. Wellness can also promote healthy relationships, enhance self-awareness, and encourage personal growth and development.
Yoga is not just about being able to perform complicated poses and movements. It is a holistic approach to physical and mental health, as well as a person’s well-being and personal growth.
Research published in December 2016 in the journal PM&R found that regular Zumba classes were an effective type of aerobic activity; they improve participants’ cardiovascular fitness and may improve strength and flexibility, too.
Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being and your overall health. You also can use it to relax and cope with stress by focusing on something that calms you. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.
Stretching session
Stretching can be mildly uncomfortable at first, but it should not be painful. Stretching regularly will loosen the muscles and increase a person’s range of motion. Due to these effects, it can lower the risk of injuries such as sprains, which affects ligaments, or strains, affecting muscles or tendons.
Dance Workout
Dance workouts are designed to build muscular strength, mobility, and flexibility. Dancing uses most of your muscles, but primarily the hamstrings, quads, glutes, and calves.
Knowledge sharing session
Every day we are having session to share knowledge on health topics to implement and create healthy habits in daily life.
Health challenges and competitions
We organize many healthy challenges and competitions ( like, 3ltrs daily water intake challenge etc.) to make the program interesting and increase the involvement by active participation.
Get together Wellness parties
A wellness party is a small gathering centred around our health and wellness interests. It’s a way to pamper the mind, body, and soul while enjoying the company of our community members and their friends and family.
Wellness Tours
We organize short travel associated with pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s Personal Well-Being where we enjoy and having fun among our community members.
Wellness Workshops are interactive programs designed to engage, educate, and motivate people incorporate wellness into their lives.
Topics range from nutrition and healthy eating, tips to fitting in fitness and creating a workout routine, strategies to stressing less, workplace wellness hacks, healthy-but-easy recipes, smart snacking ideas, motivation and goal setting, injury prevention and safety guidelines, to tips on striking a work-life balance.