Corporate and Partner Wellness

Today’s corporate world is overflowing with stress-causing countless health risks and chronic diseases among employees. With short, tight deadlines, there’s barely any room for personal time. This situation leaves individuals feeling overwhelmed, leading to several conditions like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, etc.
The primary goal of wellness is to improve employee health by educating, empowering, enlightening, and motivating employees about the health issues they currently face, health risks they can face in the future, and how to stop them before they occur.
Whether it’s an energizing Pilates session, calming yoga classes, moving to the beats of Zumba music, sessions on mental health, nutrition, diabetes management, sleep, brainpower, etc. it caters to the overall well-being of each individual and the team members as a whole.
Why wellness programs in the workplace are important for employers and employees?
1. An increase in productivity
Bad health is one of the primary reasons for low productivity. Participating in employee wellness programs involves good health habits, like regular exercise, that are linked to better productivity. Better health results in more focus and motivation to fulfil roles and responsibilities.
2. Better employee engagement
A corporate wellness program creates a more productive, motivated, and engaged workforce. If an employee feels cared for, they’re likely to match that feeling in their commitment to the organization. And feeling good about their job makes one more engaged and thus, perform better.
Did you know engaged employees perform 20% better than their counterparts?
3. Reduce healthcare costs
Any organization that encourages its employees to maintain good health and wellness instantly lower healthcare costs. How? Well, healthy and happy employees have less chances of falling sick, going to the doctor, buying medicines, taking lab tests, etc.
This brings down costs for both employees and employers. Moreover, focusing on preventive care rather than curative, is extremely beneficial and saves a lot of money, time, and pressure in the long run.
4. Decrease in absenteeism
An employee wellness program helps improve the health of employees and this impacts whether an employee is absent from work or not. When one is stress-free and has better health, they’re less likely to skip work.
Did you know minor illnesses like stomach bugs, flu, cold, fever, headaches, etc. are the leading reasons for missing work?
With workplace wellness in place, these absences can be avoided. Moreover, when they’re in the pink of their health, employees are more invested in their work and so execute tasks to the best of their ability.
5. Improved health
Think back to the last time you made a major change in your lifestyle. Maybe you started walking during your lunch break, swapped sugary late-night munchies with healthy snacks, or took 10-minutes out in the nap room during lunch. Simple changes help you during work, whether it’s apparent or not.
Employees are less agitated, stressed, don’t feel overwhelmed, are much healthier, and are in control of their emotional and physical selves. Because of healthy behaviours, employees are recharged when they come to work. All this contributes to only boosting your organization’s bottom line.